The White Paper discusses the growth of consumer messaging apps like WhatsApp and Telegram, and how these apps use terms like “end-to-end encryption” and “secret key,” to lend themselves an air of authenticity and security. As the White Paper makes clear, these free messaging apps are anything but secure and use confusing and often easily circumvented end-to-end encryption offerings.
Moreover, US-based apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger are subject to US laws, including the SCA and the recent CLOUD Act. This is important as the US lacks a comprehensive data privacy regime and it is uncertain what protections, if any, apply to non-US residents.
The paper goes on to explain Adeya’s differentiated model and uniquely secure messaging platform. For more information, please read the paper here.
Erkin Bek is a serial entrepreneur, philanthropist and visionary with a track record of creating and growing successful global businesses. In 1997, he founded the Mina Group, headquartered in Dubai, UAE. Mina Group has multinational operations involving ocean tankers, port terminals, oil refineries and storage, delivery and logistics capabilities. The company’s operations span North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Erkin founded TNF, as a private investment firm, in 2010. In addition to his contribution to Mina and TNF, Erkin is committed to supporting education, music and healthy living causes around the world.